Self Care During the Holiday Season
The holidays can be a challenging time for managing stress. Taking time for yourself during this time can help your immune system stay healthy and keep your emotions in check. Here are some of our favorite tips for keeping your spirits high.

This is an important time of year to focus on your journaling practice. A gratitude journal can help keep your focus on all the positives in your life, rather than the stress and the drive to buy things. Another great journaling exercise for this time of year is simply an ongoing list of the things that bring you joy.

Activate your throat chakra
This time of year can have us biting our tongue in order to keep the peace with family and friends. Create a playlist of music you enjoy and love to sing along to, and listen to it during your commute or while you’re cooking dinner. Plus, this is a great way to raise your vibration - especially if you start dancing, too!

Soak in a warm bath
Nothing brings comfort like a soothing bath. Add some epsom salts and your favorite essential oils, and spend at least 20 minutes relaxing. Bring a book or light some (natural, non-toxic) candles to add to the atmosphere of peace and quiet.

Get outside
Sometimes the winter keeps us inside too often! Bundle up and take a walk outside during the sunniest part of the day - perhaps during your lunch break. Getting some sun will boost your vitamin D levels in your body, and just 20 to 30 minutes of walking can boost your endorphins.

Get Plenty Of Sleep
The holidays can be a time of late night socializing, gift wrapping, or attending concerts. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep as often as you can to keep your mind and body rested and your immune system high. Sometimes a bedtime ritual can help trigger your mind that it’s time for rest.

Listening to a guided audio or practicing EFT tapping can be helpful for soothing your mind and relaxing. When you meditate, you may clear away some of the worries and overload that contribute to stress. You can also use EFT to decrease food cravings if you find yourself eating too much sugar over the holidays!

Plan Your Meals
Be sure you’re eating regular meals instead of snacks. Planning your meals and doing some freezer cooking or crock pot meals between the holidays will prevent you from eating out or making less healthy choices after all the holiday eating. For those with food sensitivities, keeping a food journal can help you recognize the triggers if any of your symptoms act up.