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There is truly little in this world that is as frightening and uncomfortable as a panic attack.  Once they start, panic attacks can send you spiraling out of control.


Many people who suffer from panic attacks already have several treatment options that they are using.  Sometimes these treatments work very well, and sometimes they hardly work at all.  Some panic sufferers must try many different options before finding one that works reasonably well for them.


Even if you find something that works, you may have episodes where the treatment fails, or where treatment is not an option.  For example:

You may run out of your medication and be unable to get any more of it for a few hours or days.


You may have a serious episode and be unable to get an appointment with your therapist or doctor right away.


You may not be able to afford to seek medical treatment at the time.


There could be any number of reasons why you could not seek traditional medical help at a given time, but when you have panic attacks, you need help right away.  The longer you wait to do something, the worse they get.


The purpose of this e-book is to teach you a few key coping mechanisms that will help you deal with these terrible attacks without the aid of medication.  While they may not get rid of your panic attacks, they should at least help ease them until you are able to seek proper treatment.

Panic Attack - A Whole-Listic Solution


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Dr. Stéphane Provencher aka Dr. Awesome at the Gainesville Holistic Health Center

Gainesville Holistic

Health Center

(p) 571-248-0695; 0895
(f) 571-248-0964

Monday                           9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday & Thursday  9:00am - 5:00pm

Wednesday                    9:00am - 1pm

Select Fridays                9:00am - 1pm

Saturday                         Closed
Sunday                            Closed

Our office is closed for lunch from 1pm - 3pm Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.

7528 Old Linton Hall Rd, Gainesville VA 20155

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