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Whole-listic Solution


(Mind + Body + Soul = Whole)

Finding the real U, holistic = realistic

Reiki - Usui/Kundalini/Healing and more

The word Reiki (pronounde "Ray-Key") is defined as Universal or Spiritual (Rei) - Life Force or Energy (Ki). The Reiki system is a simple and powerful tool to help develop the sense of wholeness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Reiki is also used to heal others and self.


Reiki is a system of natural healing. Healing is given by placing the hands on or near the (fully clothed) recipient and the Reiki Energy flows through the practitioner and into th erecipient through their hands. The energy for healing is not generated by the practitioner.


Reiki healing is a holistic therapy in that all levels of the person are treated at once and each level is understoood to impact on the other levels. For example, the physical body may be affected by stresses on the emotional level. The mental, emotional, physical, etheric (subtle) and spiritual bodies make up the complere human being. Through Reiki, working on the subtle and spiritual le vels can facilitate healing on all levels.

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