Beating LYME disease FOR EVER !

The 10 Misleading Myths about Lyme Disease:
Fall into one of these incorrect heresy’s and you could contract Lyme’s for LIFE, spending over $70,000 in medical bills, and jeopardize your ability to fight any and all infection and live your life with brain fog, memory issues and potentially lead to Alzheimer according to recent research.
Other Resources
Experts in the Field of Lyme Disease
Dr. Richard Horowitz
Dr Horowitz has presented at numerous local, national, and international scientific conferences on Lyme Disease, and has published on the role of co-infections and toxins in Lyme Borreliosis. He was awarded the Humanitarian of the Year award by the Turn the Corner Foundation for his treatment of Lyme Disease, and has dedicated his life to helping those stricken with this devastating illness. His book “Why Can’t I Get Better? Solving the Mystery of Lyme and Chronic Disease” was released through St Martin’s press, November 2013, which explains his full classical and integrative approach to helping those stricken with tick borne diseases and resistant chronic illness.
Dr. David Jernigan
Dr. Jernigan was the first doctor to write a book on the natural treatment of people diagnosed with Lyme Disease and has now authored four books on Lyme Disease. The latest edition is Beating Lyme Disease; Living the Good Life in Spite of Lyme, 2nd edition.
Dr. Jernigan has personally developed over 30 novel natural medicines to date. As the founder of the American Medical Academy of Thermodiagnostics, he is one of the most experienced doctors in the U.S.A. in one of the latest FDA approved adjunctive diagnostic tests, Alfa and Computerized Regulation Thermodiagnostics.